Foldable Large Containers (FLCs) are collapsible plastic containers used to transport variety of cargoes. They are designed to reduce the cost of relocating empty containers while providing maximum product protection and load stability. LEAP offers FLCs particularly for automotive industry, where components are small in size and need to be delivered in bulk quantities directly to the production line in standard containers. FLC has the provision to incorporate customized inserts within the container to house the components as per the requirement of the OEM. Further, FLCs are of standard dimensions to meet regional requirements and are accepted by the majority of automotive manufacturers and suppliers. FLCs features include ergonomic latches & In the automobile industry, usage of FLCs helps in minimizing supply chain hassles as the auto components can directly be delivered to the assembly lines without having the need to pack and store them separately. Its modular design and HDPE (High-density polyethylene) content ensures easy handling, quick installation / dismantling and adequate cargo protection. Further, FLCs reduce transportation and inventory carrying costs by deploying a single customized container and ensuring Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery. FLC usage negates cost of disposable packaging such as one-way cardboard/wooden containers. When empty, FLCs can be folded and stacked, thus offering significant transportation & storage cost savings. A standard Foldable Large Container (FLC) is predominantly used in Auto components industry.
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